Cast Iron Soil Pipe & Fittings HandbookChapter 2 - Installation of Cast Iron Soil Pipe and FittingsThe installation of cast iron soil pipe and fittings should be made according to plumbing codes or engineering specifications. Care taken during installation will assure the satisfactory performance of the plumbing drainage system. This chapter presents general installation instructions, as well as information on installing the house or building sewer. It also discusses the problems of infiltration and exfiltration which can be eliminated by the use of proper installation procedures and materials. HandlingCast iron soil pipe and fittings are customarily shipped by truck and occasionally by railroad. They will withstand the shocks and stresses normally encountered in transit. The first step upon arrival of the material at the jobsite should be a thorough inspection for damage which may have occurred in transit. The shipment will usually be accompanied with both a Bill of Lading and a packing list. The purpose of the Bill of Lading is the legal transfer of title for the material from the manufacturer to the carrier (truck line or railroad) and from the carrier to the wholesaler or installer receiving the shipment. It is very important that any damage should be noted on the shipping papers to assure that any claim for damage will be honored. All products should be properly marked with manufacturers name or registered trademark, and the county of origin. All items should be checked against the shipping papers or Bill of Lading and any shortages noted on the delivery receipt or Bill of Lading. The shipping papers or Bill of Lading will normally reflect total pieces, bundles, or crates. The packing list will give specific descriptions. It is only necessary that the total pieces be checked and any discrepancies or damage noted before the carrier leaves the job site. A copy of this document should be kept in a safe place if damage or shortages were noted.Many manufacturers of cast iron soil pipe and fittings prepackage pipe in bundles and place these bundles on a truck, trailer, or rail car as a unit. It is possible to unload these packages as a unit. Care should be taken when handling these bundles. Fittings are also prepackaged in crates or boxes. A crate or box tag is attached identifying the contents of each crate. These tags should not be removed as they will be useful later in locating fittings as they are required. Handbook Table of Contents![]() ![]()